Our Purpose
The Center for Outcomes Research in Liver Diseases (CORLD) has pioneered in outcomes research related to the areas of patient-reported outcomes (PROs), economic analysis, large database analysis, systematic reviews and meta-analysis involving different types of liver diseases.
About UsThe Global Collaborations in Liver Diseases
Chronic liver disease (CLD) is the 12th and 11th leading cause of death in the U.S. and the world. Among etiologies of CLD, alcohol-related liver disease (ALD), viral hepatitis B and C and non-alcohol steatohepatitis (NASH) are most common.
NASH which was recently renamed as metabolic dysfunction associated steatohepatitis (MASH) is increasingly being recognized as one of the most common causes of liver disease worldwide. In order to understand the global impact of this disease, CORLD and the Global NASH/MASH Council™ (GNC) have brought together a large number of world-renowned experts with interest in NASH/MASH to collaborate and exchange their views about this liver disease from different regions of the world. Additionally, the Global Liver Council™ (GLC) brings together collaborators to better understand the global impact of other important liver disease such as viral hepatitis B and C, ALD and primary biliary cholangitis (PBC). These collaborations include most countries from different regions of the world. Members of GNC and GLC carry out multiple collaborative projects to better understand NASH, its clinical, economic, societal and PRO burden.
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The Global Registries of NASH/MASH and Liver Diseases
Liver disease is among the most common causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Although the underlying etiology and causes of liver disease can vary according the region, NASH/MASH is rapidly becoming one of the most common causes of liver disease. In order to better understand the burden of NASH/MASH, viral hepatitis ALD, and PBC in different regions of the world, the Global NASH/MASH and Liver Registries are developed to enroll subjects with NAFLD/MASLD, hepatitis B, C and D, ALD and PBC from different regions of the world. Clinical data, laboratory data and appropriate PRO questionnaire data are obtained from each patient after informed consent. The de-identified data are entered through a secure password-protected centralized platform and patients are followed by each site on annual basis.
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